Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Saying of the Week -

This past weekend I bought the latest Alejandro Fernandez CD. One of the songs is a rendition of the ever popular song El Rey. The lyrics have been on my mind. I have found myself repeating the following line from the song over and over with my students:

" No hay que llegar primero,
Pero hay que saber llegar."

You don't have to get there first,
You just have to know how to get there.

Right now, for some reason, my second graders seem to be in a race to finish every darn thing we do. The work that is coming in is quite average and often times sloppy and poorly done. I have to try and turn this around WAY before state testing time.


Anonymous said...

Wise words.

What's the name of his latest album.


Msabcmom said...

Alejandro Fernandez: En Directo, Sin Escalas. It is great!