Sunday, January 29, 2006


Saturday Morning:

The Workshop:
There were 28 teachers in attendance. They all had 5 or less years of teaching under their belt. However, half of the teachers were older than me as this is their second profession.

I presented with a friend of mine from school. We are a pretty good team. We basically just went back and forth and worked together to present all of the required material. The last part of the day was the toughest because of the subject matter: Transgender and sexual preference issues and how they relate to the classroom. This portion of the workshop was to remind teachers that despite our personal opinions, we need to remember to be pro-student and not allow harassment or discrimination of any kind, racism, sexism, sexual preference etc in the classroom -either by teachers or students. This stirred a few people up. I got through it though with no scars!

Spin Dating:
I went to the Public Library to give Spin Dating a whirl in the evening. It was a very interesting concept. The library was transformed into a cute little cafe. There were several square tables staggered throughout the library. On the tables were candles and several books on dating held together in cute little bookends. Soft music was playing in the background. The women were seated at individual tables. The men rotated from table to table each 6 minutes. Each person had a spinner. As the men rotated through you could mark yes or no if you were interested in them. At the end of the night, if both parties said yes, an e-mail will be sent notifying both parties. It was a very safe and comfortable set up.

The down side:
1) Way more women than men. (I should have expected that)
2) The men were all at least 10 -15 years older than me.
(So not interested in that!)
3) Not one of these men looked like someone I would be interested in.
(I know - that sounds SO shallow)
4) After talking to all 8 men that rotated through, I know that they definitely are not people I would hope to ever run into again!
(Some were down right scary)

I am so not doing that again!

Late Saturday Night:
The best part of the day happened after the Spin Dating. I came home. Sat at the computer for a while and then jumped into bed and watched some tv. I haven't done that in a while. I enjoyed watching some reruns of Monk and Project Runway - 2 of my favorites. That was definitely the best way to wrap up that LONG, tiring day

1 comment:

Msabcmom said...

Nope - not a club. Just an event that took place locally. I think it is very much like speed dating. It was a very nice concept - just not the right mix of people for me.