Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Coffee ...I Love it!

For many years now I have had a long standing love affair with Starbucks coffee. It started out as a small fling - every now and then I would get a tall White Chocolate Mocha or a Caramel Macchiato. In the summer I would always get Frappucino's. Life was good.

As the years progressed, my tastes matured and I frequented Starbucks more frequently buying either a grande or a venti Latte. Last year, after reading the nutritional information online I switched over to strictly non-fat, sugar free vanilla latte's. What a delicious treat it was to enjoy.

Two months ago however, I had to break off my long lasting relationship with Starbucks. I realized that I was giving more than I was getting. It was quite common for me to pop in to Starbucks 3-4 times a week. I would leave about $8 poorer each time. (A coffee for me and a hot cocoa and scone for Sabina) I decided that I just couldn't (and shouldn't) be spending so much money on coffee. (Even though it does rock my world!)
I went for about 2 weeks without any coffee. Life without coffee was just miserable.

I LOVE this machine!

Then I remembered that my dad has an amazing Starbucks espresso machine that he left with us at home. I decided to try it out and see what happened. A few coffees later, I concocted the best ever latte's using Peet's coffee, non fat milk and fat free hazelnut creamer. Life was good once again. I make one both when I wake up in the morning and in the evening when I am winding down. Sometimes I even make one in the middle of the day just because. I can't feel too guilty about it because I use non fat milk, fat free creamer and CNN's Dr. Gupta says that drinking coffee makes you smarter! I have also probably saved about $100 - $200.

Hooray for coffee!!! I think I am going to go and brew another cup right now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on saving sooooo much money!
