Thursday, June 15, 2006

No Bargain Today and other random stuff!

We found shoes. Yesterday's bargain made up for today's purchase. These fancy kicks cost $42.94. Ouch!

The New Shoes

Today began the June Birthday Cycle. We went to a birthday party this evening for a 5 year old friend of ours. His Very Own Cake - WOw!On Saturday we have 4 birthday parties to attend.THe Piñatamaster Two of them are from 1-3. How we will do that - I just don't know. We then have two more to go to next week!


Dr no

In other news - AMC- American Movie Channel is having a Viva Bond Week. I absolutely LOVE all 007 movies. James Bond ROCKS! T\Yes, there are too many corny lines and women are made out to look weak in many of them. They even have crazy names like "Pussy Galore." I just don't care. I love James Bond. I have been trying to figure out which James I like better: Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan, Timothy Dalton or George Lazenby. (are you proud of me for remembering that one Nebur?) Sean Connery has to be the best with Roger Moore as a close second. They are all good though. Who is your favorite James Bond?


Dree said...

My father is currently glued to the TV, watching "Never Say Never Again." After having watched "Goldfinger" for the second time in two days. I'm considering moving out. :-)

Msabcmom said...

I guess that you couldn't live with me either - I watched Goldfinger too! Why am I so hooked on James Bond?

It is definitely a great problem to have. I am going to hang out with good friends tomorrow at all of the parties and I might even eat cake three times tomorrow too. It is a tough job - someone had to do it though! :-)