Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Past Week

The highlights:

1) Moving Student:
One of my students will be moving to a SDL class at another site this week. I am going to miss him terribly. He has one of the biggest, sweetest hearts ever. I love this kid. This was his last week at our school. Sadly, I wasn't able to be with him very much for the last 3 days here at our school because I was in my math training. Luckily though, the training had several breaks so I was able to go and visit my class and get many big smiles and hugs. On Tuesday, I will follow his bus to school and walk him to his new class to meet his new teacher. I know that this is the best thing for him but it makes me teary eyed to think of him leaving me. I got all misty in his SST when we discussed it, I am getting misty right now as I think about it and I know that I will be a crybaby when I leave him at his new school. I have been truly blessed to have had the opportunity to work with this young man.

2) Math Training:
UGH! One of the trainers is very good and the other the opposite. The good one knows her math and when she takes us out of the training manual I really like the info we receive. When we do work in the manual though it is all I can do to not explode. The manual is all about getting to know our curriculum and how to use it. Why is this a problem? We have been using our math materials for the past 6 years and will only have it for one more year. What a waste!

3) COLD weather! It has been freezing around here. Last night it dropped to 19 degrees at night.
More Ice
The sidewalks and streets have iced over in the mornings. Yesterday morning I slipped and fell - OUCH!
Icy Streets

1 comment:

Desert Chicano said...

Hijole!...I would go crazy in a math training, especially if one wasn't very good. Math and I don't seem to get along.

Gracias for stopping by mi bloga, such a small world. Be careful and watch your step.