Saturday, March 22, 2008

Bajo La Misma Luna

This movie is great. I couldn't believe that on the 2nd day that it was out, less than 20 people were in the theater. What a shame. Go see it and then tell me what you think.


jennifer said...

i went with my family to see it yesterday and thought it was great. that little boy does a phenomenal job!

Msabcmom said...

He was great, wasn't he? I think he was in Al Otro Lado too.

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to see that and am glad that if finally came to a theater near me. I plan on going some time during my break this week. I'm glad to hear that it's as good as it looks from the previews.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting on my review of this film. :)

I appreciate your feedback, and let us know what your grandma and little one think of it.

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