Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Rainy Day Advice

Whenever it would rain, my dad always made sure to call me on my cell phone or catch me on my way out of the house to remind me to be cautious when driving. He would say: "You know, the roads are the most slippery when it just starts to rain. The oil come up from the road and mixes with the water and it is very dangerous." I can't tell you how many times my brothers and I have heard this. We respond with "yes dad!" or we might roll our eyes and make a face. We would even joke about it when my dad wasn't present. We knew that my dad was just trying to remind us to be cautious but I guess we also thought it was silly for him to keep telling us - I mean come on - we are "grown ups!"
Well, it rained today. I didn't get a call from my dad. He is living in Panama right now.

I REALLY missed receiving that call today....

1 comment:

Nebur said...

much love.....